Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Distance Learning 101

My district is currently in week 8 of distance learning.  While it's not ideal and I'd rather just be in the classroom with my students, the distance learning situation has allowed me to explore various virtual learning opportunities.  Some of my favorite platforms to engage my second graders while we are apart include:
  • Canvas: This is the LMS used district-wide.  There are tons of features and abilities with using this platform that allow me to continue instruction, provide practice for students, engage and interact with students in a "safe" virtual environment, and grade/provide feedback on submitted work.
  • Quizizz: This app provides opportunities for students review and practice skills.  Students can also "battle" in "live games" hosted by the teacher.  There are plenty of quizzes already created that you can search and assign, or you can create your own.  It's very easy to do both!
  • Flipgrid: Awesome resource that allows you to create, share, and interact through videos.  The best's FREE for educators!  I've used flipgrid to record read alouds as well as post questions or tasks for the kiddos to respond to.  The kiddos love being able to get in front of a camera and shine - and they love watching each other's videos.   
  • Brain Pop Jr.: A subscription is needed to get the most out of the BrainPop resources (which I am thankful that our PTA provides for our school); however, there are free videos that can be viewed without a subscription.  There are a variety of tools - videos, games, quizzes, activities, etc. - to support classroom instruction.  These are PERFECT for the classroom (and distance learning) because the resources are engaging for the students while also providing accurate instruction.  {BrainPop is providing free access during school closure due to the pandemic.}
  • Google Meet: This has been my absolute FAVORITE way to connect with my 2nd graders.  I love seeing the excitement on their faces as they join the meet and see each other's faces.  I have been able to schedule regular google meets with my students and assign them through Canvas which ensures necessary security for us as we meet together.  (It also allows me to ensure kiddos are being good digital citizens because they cannot access the meet link until it's available...and the teacher is in it.)
I am in no way a tech guru; however, distance learning has forced me to explore what is available and become more comfortable with those resources.  Distance Learning has also been a great reminder of what's truly important/necessary when it comes to curriculum and instruction.  

I love seeing how the students are thriving through the pandemic.  Although they are very much missing the daily interactions with teachers and friends, hands-on learning experiences, routine and structure of being in the classroom, and so much more, the kiddos and their families are truly striving to create unique learning opportunities.

Distance Learning has its working from your couch/bed in your comfy clothes, but nothing can ever replace the feeling of being in the classroom learning together.  I look forward to the days when we are able to gather and learn together - in the same room - instead of through a computer screen.

Thanks for stopping by!

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