Monday, July 13, 2020

Summer Makeover Mondays

Welcome Back & Happy Monday!  

I'm back with some more items that have received a "makeover" to be ready for the new school year (whatever that may look like this year).  Today's items got more of an organization and labeling update rather than a full makeover.  Enjoy!

First makeover item......CONSTRUCTION PAPER STORAGE.  

In the past, my construction paper has always been #hotmess, and moving classrooms every year for the past 6 years didn't help.  I've made it a personal mission to put all of my plastic storage bins to better use, so I took this 6 drawer Sterilite bin and turned it into the construction paper storage.  The labels are the same ones from my teacher toolbox makeover that I shared (created by and can be found here on TPT).  

Second makeover item......SMALL GROUP MATERIALS CART.  

These rolling carts are one of my absolute FAVORITE items to use in the classroom.  They provide such versatile storage, and the wheels make it easy to move wherever it's needed.  An added can store/organize/pack #allthethings in it for the summer and place a large trashbag over the top to keep it clean.  Custodians can easily move it for cleaning and then it's ready to go for the next school year.  Again, the labels are the same ones from my teacher toolbox makeover that I shared (created by and can be found here on TPT)...I just LOVE when I can personalize something and use it in many ways for a consistent look across my classroom!

Final makeover item......COPY PAPER/CARDSTOCK STORAGE.  

These 3 drawer Sterilite bins are more items that were repurposed to be used more effectively.  I love how easy it is to find and grab exactly what I need when I am printing and copying things.  These labels are actually a freebie from TPT and can be found here.  

That's all for today!  Comment below and let me know what projects you have been working on this summer!  Until next time!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Summer Makeover Mondays

Welcome Back & Happy Monday!  

I'm spending time this summer updating and giving a makeover to some of my favorite classroom items.  I'm going to dedicate Mondays this summer to sharing those summer makeover projects with you.

First makeover TISSUE BOX.  

I personalized and painted this tissue box my second year in the classroom to match my classroom decor.  Since then, my decor has changed from pink and green to a chalkboard brights color scheme.  So, I thought it was time to give my special tissue box a makeover to better blend with my classroom.  


I have 2 teacher toolboxes - 22 drawers and 12 drawers.  Both of these toolboxes got a label makeover.  I'm loving how put together these organizational items now look.  These new labels so clear to read, and I love that they were editable so I could personalize them to be exactly what I needed.  If you are interested in these particular labels, they are created by and can be found here on TPT. 

Next makeover item.....PENCIL POCKET CHART.

Pencils are a never ending battle in the classroom.  A few years ago, I discovered a strategy that was magical.....a pocket chart for pencils.  Each pocket is labeled with a number (keeps you from having to relabel each year).  Students place their pencils in the pocket each afternoon (or once a week if that's easier to manage) and collect their pencils each morning.  Such a game changer in my classroom.  I recently gave my pencil pocket chart a label makeover.  I love how it turned out!
The labels are created by Teaching in the Tropics on TPT and can be found here if you are interested.

Final makeover item for today.....CHART MARKER BIN.

Okay....this item didn't REALLY get a complete makeover.  Instead, I finally found a bin that was the PERFECT SIZE for storing my favorite chart markers.  Of course, it needed a cute label. 😍
I used the same labels from the pencil pocket chart to create the label.

That's all for today!  If you gave some classroom items a makeover, comment below and let me know what you did!  Until next time!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


It took me longer than normal to begin working through my stack of summer reading books.  Typically, I'm so excited for the change of pace that I'm ready to dive into reading the first day of summer break.  Due to this year's circumstances [global pandemic] I needed the mental break from EVERYTHING once school officially ended.  The first book I picked up and devoured from my summer reading stack was Stories from Webb by Todd Nesloney.  This was the PERFECT kick-off to my summer reading.......and EXACTLY what I needed to hear.  Most people don't know my story.  Thanks to the encouragement from Todd, I'm ready to share #my[teacher]story that has led me to where I am today.

Everyone has a story, a journey that they've traveled to get to where they are.  My journey as a teacher began in 2012.  After graduating from college ready to take on the world and have a classroom of my own, I finally landed my first position [3rd grade teacher at a Title I school].......FOUR DAYS BEFORE TEACHER WORK WEEK!  That first back-to-school season was a whirlwind.  There really was no time to process what was happening, prep for the year, review curriculum, form bonds with new staff or anything else for that matter.  After accepting the position, the next day began daily new teacher workshops and PD sessions which led right into teacher work week, and then the start of my first year as a brand new teacher with my own classroom.  I didn't mind the whirlwind {again.....BRAND NEW excited teacher} because I was so excited to have my own classroom.  I definitely learned A TON that first year, and I was blessed to be surrounded by a supportive team, wonderful faculty, and an amazing mentor.  During my post-observation meeting with my administrators that first year, I was encouraged to consider furthering my education to become an administrator as they saw leadership qualities in me.  Therefore, I applied-was accepted-and began an online master's program for administration and supervision.  My second year of teaching, I had the opportunity to remain at the same school with most of the same team, and I was asked to serve as team leader.  Year two was another year of LOTS of learning, growing, and hard work, but I wouldn't trade a minute of those first 2 years.  There's just something about the community in a Title I environment.  The staff truly has one another's backs, and I love coming up with new creative ways to meet the needs of my kiddos.  I also finished the master's program and received my degree in administration and supervision that year.  

Year 3 was a challenging year.  I ended up in situations that were both mentally and physically harmful the first few months, and it was decided that it was in my best interest to transfer.  Move #1 happened during winter break that year.  It was heartbreaking to say goodbye to my 3rd graders as they left for winter break knowing I wouldn't be their teacher when they returned after break, but my well-being {physical & emotional} needed to be the focus.  My family helped me pack, load, move, and completely set up a new classroom in ONE day over winter break.  After winter break, I began my new position (as a 4th grade teacher) at my new school.  I took over a class of students that had seen their share of inconsistency - they were on long term substitute #5 when I transferred.  I'm thankful for the love and support I was given as I finished out my 3rd year as a teacher.  

After a very different year 3, I continued my journey at the same school......
  • another year in 4th grade where I had the opportunity to work with an amazing team and serve as a mentor for a brand new teacher who became one of my greatest teacher friends
  • two years in 3rd grade with a DREAM TEAM ~ you know....that team where everyone just clicks and loves to hang out inside and outside of school
  • and two growing years in 2nd grade maneuvering challenges, new curriculum, and fixed mindsets 
I also had the opportunity to begin working with my former high school band director as the colorguard coach!

That's a quick snapshot of my eight year journey to this point.  Something I've learned about myself over these 8 years, I CAN teach anyone anything as I'm always up for the challenge and learning something new.  However, I've also learned that I have a heart for Title I communities.  There's just something about the Title I communities that brings my heart joy when I see the impact and difference I make as a teacher.  Although we have no idea what the start of next school year will look like, I am thrilled that I will be starting a new chapter as a 3rd grade teacher in a Title I school!!!  

What's your story?  Comment and share below.
Thank you for reading #my[teacher]story! 


Friday, June 12, 2020


Last Day of School for USD 457 Thursday, May 21 – Greater Garden City

WOW!  We made it to the LAST DAY of school!  HOORAY!

A day that often comes with such a mix of emotions during a "normal" school year has arrived with all of those annual mixed emotions...and much more.  From the excitement and anticipation of summer fun in the sunshine, to happiness of not having to set an alarm or having a little more relaxed schedule, to the sadness of missing what has become our own little family, the last day is typically such a fun celebration of the nine months that have been spent together within the classroom.  This year, our end-of-year and last day celebrations look completely different.  Instead of ABC countdowns, parties, yearbook signing, special projects, themed days, and endless cleaning, there are parades, socially distant home visits, parties in a bag, and virtual parties/ award ceremonies through google meet.   Not only are we celebrating all of the successes and growth that happened within the walls of our classroom this year, but we are also celebrating how well we ALL ~ teachers, students, parents ~ adapted to virtual learning and still made the best of the global pandemic.  Our in-person instruction may have abruptly ended in March, but relationships, connections, learning, and growth continued.  Fast forward three months through virtual instruction, and now our school year is officially ending.  

It was a great year...even through the challenges of teaching during a global pandemic...but I'm so excited for the much needed change of pace, relaxation, and preparation for A NEW ADVENTURE!

Summer Opportunities - Carrollton City Schools

Thanks for stopping by!  Check back soon to find out all about my NEW ADVENTURE!


Thursday, June 11, 2020

❇️ Favorite Teacher Supplies

Welcome Back!

Today, I'm going focus on things that make me happy by sharing 7 of my favorite teacher things.  Maybe you will find something new that makes you happy too!

Paper Mate Ink Joy Gel Pens
These are the best pens ever for teachers!  The colors are vibrant, and there are so many color options.  Although they are gel pens, they do not bleed through or smear when I'm writing.  These are the ONLY pens I use, and a pack this size will last the entire school year {even using them everyday}.

Mr. Sketch Markers
An anchor chart's best friend!!  I keep a set at school, a set at home, and a small pack in my teacher bag.  They are perfect for anchor charts!  I also use them to color code the edges of student notebooks at the beginning of the school year as well as checking/grading student work.  Students LOVE getting scented smiley faces or check marks on their work for their efforts.


Wireless Speaker
This item was an accidental discovery that has quickly become a necessity!  There is almost ALWAYS music playing in my classroom, whether it's soft/instrumental music to enhance focus or loud/upbeat/dance music to get the heart pumping and oxygen to the brain so we are ready to learn.  This has been such a game changer because I can control what's playing and the volume from ANYWHERE in my classroom.
{I have this exact one pictured - at home and at school - and it's been great!}


Wireless Doorbell
This item was a new addition to my classroom this year (thanks to the Amazon #clearthelist movement), but it was a TOTAL game-changer!  I was fortunate enough to have a few high outlets (like almost at the ceiling) in my classroom where I plugged in the base.  Not only was it loud enough (volume is adjustable), but mine also lights up when it chimes.  This one common item helped with transitions as well as getting students' attention.  It was also extremely helpful for substitute teachers.


Personal Laminator
My personal laminator is such a favorite tool......I have TWO!  I keep one at home (Scotch brand), and I keep the other in my classroom (pink Swingline like pictured) for those spur of the moment needs.  
I know what you're thinking....."Doesn't your school have a laminator?"  
Of course my school has a laminator as do most schools.  However, it's huge, often needs repairing or is out of lamination, takes FOREVER to heat up, or may not even be accessible to everyone (only certain personnel complete laminating jobs for your school).  
Therefore, my personal laminator(s) are little life-savers.  They can be pulled out, plugged in, used, and put away with ease.


Personal Paper Trimmer
This paper trimmer has been one of the most "WORTH IT" purchases I have made.  No more wasting precious minutes cutting class sets of handouts in half by hand only to slip and chop off important words.  I purchased the Swingline paper cutter 15" cut length 2 years ago.....I'm not sure why I didn't purchase it sooner!  It makes prep much easier (and faster).  It's super lightweight so it's easy to move and store.  I've used it to cut/prep paper, construction paper, laminated labels and centers, and cardstock. : Swingline Paper Trimmer, Guillotine Paper Cutter, 12 ...


Happy Planner: Teacher Edition
Last but certainly not least..............TEACHER PLANNERS!!!!
I know... I know.... I know..... most of us plan electronically, but there is something about a teacher planner and still writing things out by hand that just makes my heart happy! 💖  Besides.....I'm a sticker fanatic too!  I find it very calming {almost therapeutic} to sit down with my planner and make it my own with stickers.  
I have used the Happy Planner: Teacher Edition for  4 years, and it is still my FAVORITE teacher planner.  In the past I have used both the "big" and "classic" sizes.  Personally, I prefer the "big" size because I can hole punch and insert my standards and pacing guides right into my planner so everything is at my fingertips in one place.  These planners can typically be found in stores like Michael's or Jo-Ann's, but you can also order directly from the Happy Planner website.  

**This is the actual planner I purchased for the 2020-2021 school year**

Well, there are my top 7 things that make my teacher heart happy!  
What are your favorite things?  Leave a comment and share what those items are that you just can't live without.....or at least what makes life easier!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Distance Learning 101

My district is currently in week 8 of distance learning.  While it's not ideal and I'd rather just be in the classroom with my students, the distance learning situation has allowed me to explore various virtual learning opportunities.  Some of my favorite platforms to engage my second graders while we are apart include:
  • Canvas: This is the LMS used district-wide.  There are tons of features and abilities with using this platform that allow me to continue instruction, provide practice for students, engage and interact with students in a "safe" virtual environment, and grade/provide feedback on submitted work.
  • Quizizz: This app provides opportunities for students review and practice skills.  Students can also "battle" in "live games" hosted by the teacher.  There are plenty of quizzes already created that you can search and assign, or you can create your own.  It's very easy to do both!
  • Flipgrid: Awesome resource that allows you to create, share, and interact through videos.  The best's FREE for educators!  I've used flipgrid to record read alouds as well as post questions or tasks for the kiddos to respond to.  The kiddos love being able to get in front of a camera and shine - and they love watching each other's videos.   
  • Brain Pop Jr.: A subscription is needed to get the most out of the BrainPop resources (which I am thankful that our PTA provides for our school); however, there are free videos that can be viewed without a subscription.  There are a variety of tools - videos, games, quizzes, activities, etc. - to support classroom instruction.  These are PERFECT for the classroom (and distance learning) because the resources are engaging for the students while also providing accurate instruction.  {BrainPop is providing free access during school closure due to the pandemic.}
  • Google Meet: This has been my absolute FAVORITE way to connect with my 2nd graders.  I love seeing the excitement on their faces as they join the meet and see each other's faces.  I have been able to schedule regular google meets with my students and assign them through Canvas which ensures necessary security for us as we meet together.  (It also allows me to ensure kiddos are being good digital citizens because they cannot access the meet link until it's available...and the teacher is in it.)
I am in no way a tech guru; however, distance learning has forced me to explore what is available and become more comfortable with those resources.  Distance Learning has also been a great reminder of what's truly important/necessary when it comes to curriculum and instruction.  

I love seeing how the students are thriving through the pandemic.  Although they are very much missing the daily interactions with teachers and friends, hands-on learning experiences, routine and structure of being in the classroom, and so much more, the kiddos and their families are truly striving to create unique learning opportunities.

Distance Learning has its working from your couch/bed in your comfy clothes, but nothing can ever replace the feeling of being in the classroom learning together.  I look forward to the days when we are able to gather and learn together - in the same room - instead of through a computer screen.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Print, Laminate, Prep, Oh My!

Navigating the "new normal" of working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been quite an adjustment.  Most days, I am more exhausted than if I had been engaging 24 second graders face-to-face.  One positive of working from home (besides getting to wear comfy clothes all the time), is the flexibility to work on organizing and prepping things that have forever lived in piles and disarray.
This week, I've spent lots of time printing, laminating, and cutting enlisting cutting helpers (THANK YOU 💜 FAMILY) to prep all of the amazing centers I've been using and plan to use during reading workshop and math workshop.  It's such a great feeling when you are able to get instructional materials prepped and organized that are frequently used.  I'm so excited to have these amazing resources prepped and ready to go for my students when we are back together again!
Prepped Centers
Curious about what centers I currently use to engage my kiddos during reading workshop and math workshop?!  These resources can be found on Teachers Pay Teachers.       
Lucky Little Learners
Second Grade Circus

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Challenge Accepted

Challenge Posts Archive » My Plastic-free Life

Today during our virtual leadership team meeting, we were challenged by Adam Welcome to make our voice heard as educators during this crazy time as our world is navigating the COVID-19 pandemic.  I've always loved reading other teacher blogs and watching teacher vlogs, but I've never had the confidence to start one myself.  I'm hoping this new platform will help me document my own journeys as an educator while also sharing, collaborating, and inspiring others.

Thank you for stopping by!